How to do a plugin test

If your site is experiencing issues, one of the first places you'll want to check is your plugins. Although most plugins are fine — if you're using plugins that haven't been updated in years or contain faulty code, they can cause problems on your site. It's also possible for two or more plugins to conflict with each other and cause issues.

The purpose of a plugin test is to rule out if the issues on your site are coming from a plugin or not. Our support team may request that you do a plugin test if you come to us with a strange issue that can't otherwise be figured out or explained, because a plugin is often the culprit.

How to do a plugin test

Before you begin:  Be sure to make a complete backup your site before beginning the plugin test. Click here for instructions on backing up your site. 17th Avenue is not liable for any loss of data as the result of a plugin test.
  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go Plugins > Installed Plugins. 
  2. Place a checkmark in the uppermost check box. This will select your entire list of plugins. (Note: Depending on the nature of the issue you are experiencing, you can usually leave the Recommended Plugins for your theme active, since these plugins have been thoroughly tested with your theme).
  3. Under Bulk Actions, select Deactivate. This will deactivate all of your plugins.
  4. Clear your browser cache and visit your site. If the issue went away, you'll know it's a plugin.
  5. Start reactivating each plugin one by one. Between each activation, refresh your site to see which plugin is causing the issue (or test whatever issue you are trying to fix). Delete the faulty plugin entirely from your site.