Genesis - How to use the Gutenberg block editor (and other page builders) on the homepage

The homepage in your 17th Avenue theme is built with flexible, easy to use widget areas. If you'd like to use the Gutenberg block editor, or a different page builder plugin (i.e. Elementor, Visual Composer, Thrive Architect, Beaver Builder, etc.) on your homepage instead, you're welcome to do so. Please note that our themes are not designed with a page builder and we do not offer support for setting up your theme in a way that is different from the advertised theme/demo.

How to enable Gutenberg or a page builder on the homepage

  1. Go to Appearance > Widgets.
  2. Remove all widgets from the "Front Page" widget areas. Depending on your theme, there could be between 3 and 10 Front Page widget areas. Remove all of the widgets from ALL the Front Page widget areas.
  3. Go to Pages > Add New. Design your page how you'd like, set the page layout to full-width (to remove the sidebar, if any), and then publish the page.
  4. Go to Settings > Reading. Under "Your Homepage Displays", select A Static Page. For the homepage, select the page you created in Step 3. Save changes.
  5. Lastly, click here and copy the code. Go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and paste the code in the box.