Savannah - Footer

4 Column Footer

Go to WordPress > Appearance > Widgets. The 4-Column Footer utilizes the following widget areas (note: Footer 1 and 2 are used by the Instagram Feed).

You're more than welcome to customize the footer, add/remove widgets, etc. Below we'll go over what widgets are shown in the demo, but you can add just about anything you want! Other ideas could be social icons, about text or a disclaimer, categories widget, archives widget, search widget, and more! You can also fully customize the layout of the footer using the Kadence Footer Builder.

FOOTER 3, 4, + 5

The first three columns (Footer 3, Footer 4, and Footer 5) each display a Navigation Menu widget.

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus and create 3 separate menus to use in your footer. An even number of links looks best, i.e. 4 links in each menu.
  2. Go to Appearance > Widgets > Footer 3. Click on the navigation menu, then select the new menu you created.
  3. Repeat for the other menus in Footer 4 and Footer 5.


Footer 6 displays a Genesis eNews Extended widget (newsletter signup form). Click here for setup instructions.

The social icons underneath the signup form can be controlled at Appearance > Customize > Footer > Social. Learn more about social icons.

Footer Navigation Menu

In the demo, the footer navigation menu contains the Privacy Policy and Disclosure links.
  1. Go to Appearance > Menus and create a menu you'd like to use in the footer navigation area.
  2. Under Menu Settings > Display Location, select Footer to add the menu to your footer.
  3. To customize the appearance of the menu (font, spacing, etc), go to Appearance > Customize > Footer > Footer Navigation > Design.

Footer Copyright/Credit

Go to Appearance > Customize > Footer > Copyright to edit the copyright and credit area.

To customize the appearance of the copyright (font, spacing, etc), go to Appearance > Customize > Footer > Copyright > Design.