[Genesis] Related posts

The related posts section (usually called "You'll Also Love") displays beneath each blog post. Posts in this section are generated  automatically based on the following criteria:

  • The related posts section first looks for posts that have tags in common.
  • If there are no common tags, common categories are used instead.
  • If there are no common tags OR categories, no posts are displayed.

Please note that you are not able to select individual posts to display in this section.

Number of related posts

The related posts section is designed to display 3 posts. However, if a certain post does not have any common tags or categories — or only has common tags or categories with 1 or 2 posts — then fewer than 3 posts will be displayed. You can add more common categories/tags if you'd like to ensure all posts have 3 related posts.

Change related posts title

1. Go to Appearance > Theme Editor > Functions.php

2. Click inside the code box and click Ctrl+F to search (Command+F on Mac). Search Also Love.

3. You'll be taken to this section:

// Display the related posts section.
    echo '<div class="related">';
    echo '<div class="wrap">';
        echo '<h3 class="related-title">You&#8217;ll Also Love</h3>';
        echo '<div class="related-posts-list" data-columns>' . $related . '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';

4. Locate this text:  You&#8217;ll Also Love

5. Replace that text with your preferred text (i.e. "Related Posts" or "Posts You May Like"). Be sure to keep your text between the > and < symbols.

Note:  &#8217; is the HTML version of an apostrophe. If you'd like an apostrophe in your text, add  &#8217; in place of the apostrophe.

Remove related posts

If you'd like to remove the related posts section entirely, here are instructions:

1. Click here and copy the code.

2. Go to WordPress > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

3. Paste the code in the box, and then click Publish to save.