Vivienne [Genesis] - Alternate Homepage Configurations

The Vivienne theme displays four featured posts in Front Page 1, the first widget area on the homepage. Below we'll go over some different options you have for Front Page 1.

3-Column Featured Posts

If you would like the featured posts section in Front Page 1 to display in three columns instead of four:

1.  Click here and copy the code.

2. Paste the code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

3. Go to Appearance > Widgets > Front Page 1. Open the Genesis Featured Posts widget and set the "Number of Posts to Show" to 3.

Full-Width Image Slider

If you would like to replace the Featured Posts widget with a full-width image slider:

1. Install and activate the Meta Slider plugin.

2. Once installed, go to the Meta Slider tab at the bottom left of your dashboard. Click the "+" button to create a new slider.
3. Click "Add Slide" to upload your slider images. You can optionally link your images to any URL (such as a page on your site).
4. In the righthand column, configure your settings as seen below:

Feel free to change the image size here. Our only recommendation is a width of 1600px or larger so the slider spans the entire width of the screen.

5. Go to Appearance > Widgets in your WordPress dashboard.

6. Drag the Meta Slider widget into the  Front Page 1 widget area. Select the name of your slider and then save. Make sure there are NO other widgets in the Front Page 1 widget area, otherwise the slider won't display correctly (due to the flexible widgets feature in Vivienne).

7. Lastly, click here and copy the code. Paste it at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

Displaying Multiple Widgets in Front Page 1

This is optional, and won't apply to most theme users except in specific situations.

The Vivienne theme has a feature called  Flexible Widgets, which changes the widget layout based on how many widgets you have inside each widget area. For example, if you place two widgets inside one Front Page widget area, the widgets will display in two side-by-side columns, instead of displaying one below the other.

For example – if you want to have a Full-Width Slider AND Featured Posts in the Front Page 1 widget area, you'll need to deactivate flexible widgets for Front Page 1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and paste  this code.

Featured pages in front page 1

If you'd like to display featured pages in Front Page 1 instead of featured blog posts:

1. Click here and copy the code. 

2. Paste the code at Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

3. Go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag a Genesis Featured Page Advanced widget into the Front Page 1 widget area.

4. Configure the widget as shown below. Repeat for three additional widgets.