Ivy - Carousel Slider

IMPORTANT NOTE: The plugin required for the carousel (Foo Gallery Owl Carousel) was retired in 2023. Unfortunately, there is not a similar carousel plugin available that allows variable width images as shown in this article. We suggest using a different carousel/slider plugin and placing it inside the Home - Slider widget area. MetaSlider, SmartSlider, and WP Carousel are good options.

The Ivy theme features a carousel slider at the top of the homepage. The carousel displays both portrait and landscape images, so it's perfect for showing your photographs! If you prefer to use a traditional image slider, scroll to the bottom of this page for instructions.

Setting up carousel slider

1. Make sure these two plugins are installed and activated on your site:  Foo Gallery and Foo Gallery Owl Carousel Template.

2. In your Wordpress dashboard, go to FooGallery > Add Gallery.

3. At the top, click the "Add Media" button. Select the images you would like to have in your carousel.

4. After loading in your images, you can easily drag them to rearrange the order.

5. Configure the following settings:

Gallery Template: CAROUSEL


Height: 450 (or your desired height)

Enable Auto-Width: YES

Crop Thumbnail to Exact Dimensions: UNCHECK

Margin: 0

Image Link: NOT LINKED

Lightbox: NONE



Carousel Stage: 4

6. After configuring your settings, click Publish. 

7. Find the "Gallery Shortcode" box in the right column. Copy the shortcode.

8. Go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag a Custom HTML widget into the Home - Slider widget area. Paste your shortcode. Save.

Alternate Slider Option

Prefer to use a traditional image slider? ( example) It's an easy change!

1. Install and activate the  Meta Slider plugin.
2. Once installed, go to the Meta Slider tab at the bottom left of your dashboard.
3. Click the "+" button to create a new slider.
4. Click "Add Slide" to upload your slider images.
5. In the right column, configure your settings as seen below:

 (These dimensions will make your slider display the full width of the screen. Feel free to use different dimensions if you don't want a full-width slider).

5. Save.

6. Go to Appearance > Widgets in your WordPress dashboard.

7. Drag the Meta Slider widget into the  Home - Slider widget area. Select the name of your slider and then save.