Ivy - Footer
The Ivy theme features a three column footer area. Below we'll go over what goes in each widget area in the demo.
Footer 1
1. Create a new menu at Appearance > Menus. 5 to 6 links recommended.
2. Go to Appearance > Widgets.
3. Drag a Custom Menu widget into the Footer 1 widget area.
4. Select the menu you created in Step 1. Save.
Footer 2
1. Drag a Custom HTML widget in the Footer 2 widget area.
2. Configure as follows, and replace with your own title and text:
Footer 3
1. Drag a Custom HTML widget into the Footer 3 widget area.
2. Configure as follows, and replace with your own text:
3. The second widget in the Footer 3 area is another Custom HTML widget (titled "Connect"). It contains social icons.