Genesis - Post Slider

If your theme supports a post slider (please refer to the theme documentation for your theme), you can install the 17th Avenue Post Slider plugin following the instructions below.

Install Post Slider Plugin

  1. Click here to download the 17th Avenue Post Slider plugin (do not unzip).
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  3. Select the file and upload it. Activate the plugin.

Using the Post Slider

To add the post slider to a widget area, go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag a "Genesis Responsive Slider" widget into Front Page 1 (or whatever widget area is indicated by your theme documentation).

Slider Settings

You can find the settings for the post slider at Genesis > Slider Settings. Here, you can change the number of slides, which posts/categories are displayed, slide transition speed, and so on.