Clover [Genesis] - Blog Page Layouts

Clover has 3 built-in blog page layouts:

These layouts can be used on the homepage (if you choose to display your blog feed on the homepage), on a separate blog page, or both.

Blog posts on the homepage only

Add blog feed to the homepage

  1. Go to Settings > Reading.
  2. Under Your Homepage Displays, select Your Latest Posts.
  3. Save changes.

Change the blog layout on the homepage

To change the layout of the posts on the homepage, go to Appearance > Customize > Clover Theme Settings > Blog Layouts > Blog Layout on Homepage.

Blog posts on a separate page only

Set up the blog page

  1. Go to WordPress > Settings > Reading.
  2. Under Your Homepage Displays, select A Static Page.
  3. For the Homepage, select the Home page. (If you don't have a Home page, go to WordPress > Pages > Add New and create a blank page titled Home).
  4. For the Posts page, select the Blog page. (If you don't have a Blog page, go to WordPress > Pages > Add New and create a blank page titled Blog).
  5. Save changes.

Change the layout of the blog page

To change the layout of the posts on the Blog page, go to Appearance > Customize > Clover Theme Settings > Blog Layouts > Blog Page Layout.

Blog posts on the homepage *and* on a separate page

There are some cases where you may want to display your blog feed on the homepage, AND have a separate blog page. This involves a little more setup, but is totally doable! 

  1. Follow the Blog Posts on the Homepage section above.
  2. Jump over to this tutorial. Follow the instructions there and then come back here.
  3. To set the blog layout for the new blog page you created, open the page in the page editor. Under Template, select your desired layout (Full, Grid, or List).