Kadence - Customize footer copyright & credit

The copyright and credit area of your footer can be found at Appearance > Customize > Footer > Copyright. You can edit the text to customize what is displayed in the copyright area.

If you'd like to move the Copyright to a different location in your footer, you can use the Footer Builder and drag the Copyright element into a new section.

Footer Credit

Please note that while you're welcome to remove the 17th Avenue footer credit, doing so will void your access to theme support. See our support policy for more information.

If you removed the footer copyright or credit and would like to add it back to your site, here's the original code! Paste this at Appearance > Customize > Footer > Copyright > Footer Copyright HTML (Text mode).

{copyright} {year} {site-title} · Theme by <a href="https://17thavenuedesigns.com">17th Avenue</a>

Alternate valid credit option:

{copyright} {year} {site-title} · <a href="https://17thavenuedesigns.com">Site Credit</a>