Magnolia [Genesis] - Custom Pages

The Magnolia theme demo has two custom pages created using Gutenberg columns: About and Services. If you imported the demo content, you can find the pages in the Pages tab of your dashboard. Just edit the pages with your own information! You can skip the rest of this tutorial.

Creating the Custom Pages

If you didn't import the demo content, the pages can easily be created with the Gutenberg columns block:

  • About Page — one Columns block (two columns). Image in the right column, text in the left column.
  • Services Page — one Columns block (two columns). Image in the left column, text and headings in the right column. For the pricing table, add a Custom HTML block below the Columns block and paste in the pricing table code (below).

Pricing Table

The code for the pricing table can be found in your theme download file in the Custom Codes folder.