Audrey - Navigation & header configuration options

The Audrey theme is one of our most flexible theme when it comes to navigation + header options! Here are all of your options:

  1. Header Right Navigation
  2. Header Right Navigation + Top Left Navigation
  3. Split Navigation
  4. Split Navigation + Top Left Navigation
  5. Below Header Navigation
  6. Below Header Navigation + Top Left Navigation
  7. Top Left Navigation only
  8. No navigation / use offscreen menu as navigation
For instructions on implementing each navigation option, refer to the navigation tutorial

1. Header Right Navigation

This is the navigation option shown in the demo.

2. Header Right Navigation + Top Left Navigation

3. Split Navigation

Split navigation consists of a left menu, a right menu, and the header centered between the two menus.

4. Split Navigation + Top Left Navigation

5. Below Header Navigation

6. Below Header Navigation + Top Left Navigation

7. Top Left Navigation Only

8. No Navigation Menus

With this option, you would be using the Offscreen Menu as your sole navigation.