Kadence - Category archive pages

Category archive pages are where your blog categories live. Any posts that you assign to a particular category will appear on the category archive page for that category. Your theme features beautiful and fully customizable category archive pages. Let's get started!

Example of a category archive page in the Savannah theme

How to create category archive pages

It's easy! Category archive pages are created automatically whenever you create a category. Any existing categories on your site will also inherit the same category archive layout.

To create a new category, go to your WordPress dashboard > Posts > Categories. Further instructions for how to create/use categories can be found here.

Category archive layout

To change the layout of your category archive pages, go to Appearance > Customize > Posts/Pages Layout > Archive Layout. Here, you can do things like:

  • Change the number of post columns (1, 2, 3, or 4)
  • Add a sidebar
  • Change the layout of the category archive title
  • Add or remove post elements, such as the post date, excerpt, or read more button
  • And more!

"Sort By" subcategory menu

The Sort By menu will appear automatically inside any category that has subcategories. This menu is comprised of the subcategories for whatever category you're in. In the screenshot above, Bedroom, Dining, Entry, Kitchen, and Living are  subcategories of the Home Decor category.

How to create subcategories: go to WordPress > Posts > Categories. On the left, give your new subcategory a name. Under the "parent category" drop-down, select the category you would like it to display under. Then click Add New Category. Repeat for as many subcategories as you need.

Once you've set up subcategories, the Sort By menu will automatically display on the parent category page. The Sort By menu also displays on all subcategories within the parent category for easy navigation between subcategories.

Remove the "Sort By" menu

If you'd like to have subcategories on your site but NOT display the Sort By menu, here's how to remove it:

  1. Click here and copy the code.
  2. Go to WordPress > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
  3. Paste the code in the box, and then click Publish to save. If you have other code in the Additional CSS box, add it at the top.

Change the order of categories in the "Sort By" menu

By default, the Sort By menu will display subcategories by ID, i.e. in the order that they were created. If you'd like to change the order of the subcategories in the Sort By menu, you can install the Category Order plugin.

Once the plugin is installed, go to Posts > Taxonomy Order and drag the subcategories into your desired order.

Category Images

In order for images to display on the category archive pages, each blog post must have a featured image set.

To change the image size on the category archive pages, click here for instructions.