Kadence - Add a LiketoKnow.It icon

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to add a LiketoKnow.It (LTK) icon to your 17th Avenue Kadence theme.

1. In your WordPress dashboard, head to Appearance > Customize. 

2. In the Customizer preview on the right, hover your cursor over a social icons block where you'd like to add the LTK icon (for example, inside the top navigation menu). Once hovered, click the blue pencil icon to edit the block.

3. Social settings should appear on the left, and you'll see a list of active icons. Underneath the list of icons, click Add Social +.

4. Scroll to the bottom and select Custom 1.

5. Open the icon using the downward pointing arrow, and then click on SVG.

6. In the SVG HTML box, add the following SVG code:

<svg viewbox="0 0 354 354"><g><path d="m158.2 351.9c-14.7-1.6-38.2-7.3-38.2-9.3 0-.6 10.3-11.399 22.8-23.899l22.8-22.8 13.4-.301c25.8-.699 47.8-8 67.8-22.3 4.7-3.399 7.4-4.8 7.7-4 .3.601 3.9 13.8 8 29.2 6.9 26 7.3 28.1 5.7 29.4-3.3 2.699-25.9 13-34.7 15.899-23.9 7.901-50.1 10.701-75.3 8.101z"/><path d="m84.9 326.9c-33.1-19.9-59.4-51.8-73.2-88.9-3.7-10.1-8.4-27.7-7.5-28.5.3-.3 13.3 2.9 28.9 7 15.6 4.2 30 8 32 8.5 2.7.8 3.9 1.9 5.3 4.7 3.7 7.899 12.8 20.5 20.3 28.399 10.5 11 21.4 19 35.5 25.801l11.7 5.699-21.2 21.2c-11.7 11.701-21.7 21.201-22.3 21.201s-4.9-2.3-9.5-5.1z"/><path d="m290.6 309.2c-.3-.9-4.199-15.3-8.6-32l-8-30.3 5.5-9c13.2-22 19.2-48.101 16.6-72.601-.6-6.4-.899-11.8-.699-12.1.399-.4 43.1 9.6 55.1 12.9l3.5 1v7.8c0 17.9-3.6 40.6-9.1 57.3-4.2 13-15.601 35.5-23.601 46.8-6.6 9.1-24.899 29.2-28.399 31.1-1.301.701-1.901.501-2.301-.899z"/><path d="m139.6 220.3-37.6-33.8v-22.6-22.6l16.6-14.9c9.2-8.2 17-14.9 17.4-14.9s9.8 8.2 21 18.2l20.3 18.1 18-16.1c9.8-8.9 19.2-17.2 20.7-18.4l2.8-2.3 17 15.3 17.101 15.2v22.5 22.5l-33 29.5c-18.101 16.2-35.101 31.4-37.801 33.8l-4.9 4.2z"/><path d="m46.5 195c-5.5-1.6-18-4.9-27.8-7.5l-17.7-4.8v-10.5c0-37.5 14.5-77 39.7-108.2 6.5-8 19.5-21 21-21 .8 0 18.3 60 18.3 62.7 0 .5-2.2 4.7-4.9 9.2-6.2 10.2-10.6 20.7-13.9 33-2.2 8.4-2.5 11.7-2.6 26.6-.1 9.4.2 18.5.6 20.3.9 4 .8 4-12.7.2z"/><path d="m317.3 132.8-32.2-8-4-7.3c-7.6-13.8-21.5-29-35.3-38.8-6.8-4.9-23.3-13.7-25.5-13.7-.7 0-1.3-.3-1.3-.8 0-1.1 41-43.2 42.1-43.2.5 0 4.101 1.9 8 4.3 34.6 20.7 63.4 56.8 75.7 94.7 2.8 8.6 5.4 19 5 20-.2.4-14.8-2.8-32.5-7.2z"/><path d="m99.7 84.2c-1.5-2.7-15.8-56.4-15.4-57.5.9-2.4 24.1-13.6 36.6-17.7 17.1-5.6 31-8.1 49.3-8.7 19.399-.7 34 .8 51.6 5.3 7.4 1.9 13.8 3.7 14.4 4 .6.4-9.5 11.2-22.3 24l-23.4 23.4h-11.5c-26.7 0-50.7 7.6-71.7 22.6-4 2.9-7.4 5-7.6 4.6z"/></g></svg>

7. In the Max Width field, put 14 or your preferred width.

8. To link the icon to your LTK profile, click on "Set Social Links" (or navigate to Appearance > Customize > General > Social Links). Scroll down and find Custom 1. Add your LTK profile URL in the Custom 1 field.

9. Repeat steps 1-7 for social icons in other areas of your site. Icons are most commonly found in the header/desktop navigation, mobile navigation, and site footer.

Note: This tutorial applies to the Kadence Social Icons blocks only, which are controlled via the Customizer. You may have other social icons on your site, such as a social icons widget in your sidebar or on the Instagram landing page. These use a WordPress Social Icons block, which does not allow custom icons at this time.