Kadence - How to change spacing around navigation menu links
In this article, we'll go over how to modify the spacing around the links in your navigation menus on desktop and mobile.
Navigation link spacing on desktop
To change the distance between links on desktop:
1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Header.
2. Once Header is selected, you should see one or both of the following menu locations: Primary Navigation and Secondary Navigation.
3. Click on Primary Navigation or Secondary Navigation. You'll see this screen:
4. Under Items Spacing, change the spacing to your preferred value. Any decimal value is supported.
Dropdown link spacing on desktop
1. Follow steps 1 through 3 above, then click on "Dropdown Options" at the bottom.
2. Under Dropdown Items Vertical Spacing, change the spacing to your preferred value. Any decimal value is supported. You can also change the width of the dropdown menus on this screen!
Navigation link spacing on mobile
1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Header.
2. At the very bottom of your Customizer screen, you should see icons for desktop, tablet, and mobile. Click on the Mobile icon.
3. The Header Builder at the bottom of your screen will update and you'll see an Off Canvas area, which contains your Mobile Navigation Menu. Click on the Settings wheel icon next to Mobile Navigation.
4. Under Items Vertical Spacing, change the spacing to your preferred value. Any decimal value is supported.