Mia [Genesis] - Footer

The footer in Mia is comprised of four main sections:

  • "Trending Now" popular posts widget
  • "Become an Insider" newsletter signup widget
  • 3 column footer with navigation menus
  • Instagram feed (separate tutorial)

Trending Now

  1. First, make sure that WordPress Popular Posts is installed and active on your website.
  2. Go to WordPress > Appearance > Widgets.
  3. Drag a Text widget into the Trending Now Footer widget area.
  4. Add the following shortcode to the widget:
[wpp order_by=views limit=4 range=all stats_views=0 thumbnail_width=300 thumbnail_height=300 title_length=45]
Please note: It can take 24 to 48 hours for the Popular Posts widget to collect enough data to output your popular posts. Until then, you may see a "no content available" message.

Customize the Trending Now widget

Click here for a full list of shortcode parameters and available values. For example, you can change the number of posts displayed, the range of popular post selection, the width and height of the thumbnail image, etc.

Become an Insider

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
  2. Drag an Image widget into the Newsletter Footer widget area.
  3. Select an image. A landscape oriented (wide) image is highly recommended!
  4. Drag a Genesis eNews Extended widget into the Newsletter Footer widget area.
  5. Configure the Genesis eNews Extended widget following this tutorial.

3 Column Footer

Footer Overview

Go to WordPress > Appearance > Widgets. The 3-Column Footer is comprised of three widget areas:

You're more than welcome to customize the footer, add/remove widgets, etc. Below we'll go over what widgets are shown on the demo, but you can add just about anything you want!

If you imported your widgets...

If you imported the demo widgets, all of these widgets will already be set up for you. All you'll need to do is fill in your own content!

Footer 1

Footer 1 is comprised of two Custom HTML widgets.

The first Custom HTML widget contains:

If you'd like to copy/paste:

<h2> 	hey there! </h2> <p> I'm Mia Rose. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In malesuada ligula nec elit pretium, sit amet dictum purus tincidunt. Maecenas imperdiet quam eu mollis aliquam sed elit dolor. Thanks so much for stopping by! </p>

The second Custom HTML widget contains the normal social icons code for the Mia theme.

Footer 2 and 3

Footer 2 and 3 collectively display four Navigation Menu widgets (two menus in each widget area).

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus and create four individual menus. We recommend between 3 and 5 links per menu.
  2. Next, go to Appearance > Widgets and drag a Navigation Menu widget into Footer 2. Select the first menu you want to display (leftmost). Save. Repeat for the second menu in Footer 2.
  3. Drag a Navigation Menu widget into Footer 3 and select your menu. Repeat for the second menu in Footer 3.

Editing your footer menus

To edit your existing footer menus, go to Appearance > Menus and select the menu you'd like to edit. These menus are typically called "Footer - {name of menu}."