Clover [Genesis] - Single Posts

Single posts are the individual blog post pages on your site (example). In the Clover theme, there are several features available to you that can be used inside single posts. In this article, we'll go over what these options are and how to use them.

Featured Image

By default, the featured image you set for each post will not display on the single post pages. To add the featured image to the top of your single posts, go to Genesis > Theme Settings > Singular Content. Check the "Show Featured Images on Posts" box.

Sharing Buttons

These buttons are shown here in the demo. To add social sharing buttons to your blog posts:

  1. Create a new post or edit an existing post.
  2. At the top left corner of the post editor, click the blue + icon.
  3. Search "Sharing" and click on the Sharing block to add it your post.
  4. Set the following settings in the blocks settings panel:

When the Button Color is set to "Standard," the buttons will inherit whatever button color you've set in the Color Customizer. When the Button Color is set to "Social," the buttons will display their respective brand colors (i.e. red for Pinterest, blue for Facebook).

Author Box

The author box is enabled on a per-user basis.

  1. To enable the author box, go to Users > All Users.
  2. Click Edit on the user you'd like to enable the author box for.
  3. Under Author Archive Settings, check the box that reads: Enable author box on this user's posts?
  4. To change the name that appears after "About" – scroll up and add your preferred name to the Nickname field. Then, select the Nickname under Display Publicly As.
  5. To change the bio text – go to the "About Yourself" section and add your text in the Biographical Info field.
  6. Be sure to click Update Profile at the bottom when you're finished.

Related Posts

A related posts section will display beneath each single blog post. Posts in this section are generated automatically based on the following criteria:

  • The related posts section first looks for posts that have tags in common.
  • If there are no common tags, common categories are used instead.
  • If there are no common tags OR categories, no posts are displayed.

Change related posts title

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Clover Theme Settings > Single Posts.
  2. Look for the Related Posts Title setting and change the text to your preferred text.
  3. Click Publish to save.

Remove related posts

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Clover Theme Settings > Single Posts.
  2. Uncheck Show related posts on single posts?
  3. Click Publish to save.

Newsletter Widget

  1. Make sure the Genesis eNews Extended plugin is installed and activated on your website.
  2. Go to Appearance > Widgets.
  3. On the left, find the Genesis eNews Extended widget and drag it into the After Entry widget area.
  4. To link the newsletter widget to your mailing list provider, click here for instructions.


The comment form should display automatically on single posts. If not, click here.

Pop-Up Post Navigation

Toward the end of each blog post, a "Next Post" box will appear at the bottom right corner of the screen.

If you'd like to disable this, here are instructions:

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Clover Theme Settings > Single Posts.
  2. Uncheck Show pop-up post navigation on single posts?
  3. Click Publish to save.