Charlotte - Alternate Homepage Options
Below we will go over some alternate display options for the Charlotte homepage. Some of these apply to the Blog version only, and some apply to both Blog and Website versions of the theme.
Full-Width Post Slider
Applies to Blog and Website versions.
You can choose to have a post slider display at the top of your website.
- Install and activate 17th Avenue Post Slider.
- Go to Genesis > Slider Settings. Click "Reset Settings" at the top of the page.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag the Genesis Responsive Slider widget into Front Page 1. Save.
- You can either have the slider display instead of the first featured blog post (just remove the Genesis Featured Post widget from Front Page 1), or you can keep the featured post there, and it'll display beneath the slider.
Content-Width Post Slider
Applies to Blog and Website versions.
- Follow the same instructions as above, and then the additional step below.
- Go to Genesis > Slider Settings. Under Display Settings, type in 1100 for the width and 500 for the height. Save settings.
Left-Aligned Featured Post Content
Applies to Blog version only.
By default, the blog posts on the front page will display the image on the left and title/content on the right. This can easily be switched to display the opposite:
Go to Appearance > Widgets. Click on the Front Page 1 widget area, and then open the Genesis Featured Posts widget. At the bottom left of the settings box, find the "Image Alignment" setting and change it to "Right." Save. If you want all your posts oriented the same way, switch the image alignment in the Genesis Featured Posts widgets in Front Page 3, 5, and 7 as well.
Alternate Front Page 4 widget
Applies to Blog version only.
If you don't want to display blog posts in the "Explore the Blog" section of the homepage, you have the option of using three featured buttons instead. These can say and link to anything you want. After setup, it'll look like this:
- Install and activate Genesis Featured Page Advanced.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag a Genesis Featured Page Advanced widget into the Front Page 6 widget area.
- Configure the widget as follows. Repeat for two additional widgets.