Charlotte - Footer Widgets
The 3-Column footer is only displayed in the Charlotte website demo, but the same footer widgets can also be added to the blog version of the theme!
Footer Overview
Go to WordPress > Appearance > Widgets. The 3-Column Footer is comprised of three widget areas:
You're more than welcome to customize the footer, add/remove widgets, etc. Below we'll go over what widgets are shown on the demo, but you can add just about anything you want!
Footer 1
Footer 1 displays two navigation menus in two columns.
- Go to Appearance > Menus and create two new menus, i.e. "Footer Left" and "Footer Right."
- Next, go to Appearance > Widgets and drag a Navigation Menu widget into Footer 1. Select the menu you want to display on the left. Save.
- Drag another Navigation Menu widget into Footer 1. Select the menu you want to display on the right. Save.
Footer 2
Footer 2 displays a subscription widget. Here are instructions for configuring the Genesis eNews Extended subscription widget.
Footer 3
Footer 3 displays social media icons and a search bar.
- Grab your social icons code.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag a Custom HTML widget into Footer 3. Paste your social icons code, and then save.
- To add the Search bar, drag the Search widget into Footer 3. Save.