Removing Shop the Post widgets from your blog posts

Several of our WordPress themes have built-in Shop the Post widget integration. These widgets are placed inside the demo blog posts, so if you import the demo content, the widgets will load onto your website as well. We are frequently asked how these widgets can be removed.

The Simple Way

If you are seeing Shop the Post widgets in YOUR blog posts, that means that you've edited the demo posts with your own content, instead of creating your own posts. We highly recommend removing the demo posts for this reason, among other reasons like SEO and permalinks. The simplest way to "fix" this is to just delete the demo posts and create your own new blog posts. New blog posts will not contain any Shop the Post widgets, unless you specifically add them.

The Not So Simple Way

If you do not want to delete the demo blog posts, but just remove the Shop the Post widgets, here's how:

  1. If using the Gutenberg Editor: follow steps 2 to 5 in this tutorial to enable the custom field module.
  2. If using the Classic Editor: follow steps 2 to 5 in this tutorial (under Classic Editor) to enable the custom field module.
  3. Once the custom field module is added to your post editor, click "Delete" under the shop_post custom field. Depending on your theme, you may have a second field called shop_post_title, which can also be deleted.