What is the Genesis Framework?

Many of our WordPress themes are child themes of the Genesis Framework (the "parent theme"). In this article we'll go over what Genesis is, how it works, and why you'll love using it on your website!

What is Genesis?

Genesis is a theme framework for WordPress. The Genesis Framework provides a lightweight, secure, and search engine optimized foundation for your website.

To break it down, we like the analogy of a car:

  • Your hosting company is your "garage" – it's where all of your website's files are stored for safekeeping.
  • Your domain (yourwebsite.com) is your "license plate" – it's how people find you on the web.
  • WordPress is the "engine" of your car – it provides all the essential functions needed to run your website.
  • The Genesis Framework is the "body" of your car – it adds the basic structure and core features to your website, such as SEO and skip links.
  • child theme adds all the pretty, extra things to your car – paint, a fancy touchscreen radio, heated steering wheel, luxurious leather seats. You get the idea. :) Child themes make your website beautiful, unique, and all you! Child themes also allow you update the appearance of your website safely, so you won't lose your changes when updating Genesis.

Why Use Genesis?

We chose Genesis as the basis for our themes for several reasons:

  1. SEO Benefits. For your readers, clients, and customers to find you on the web, your website needs to be optimized for search engines ("Search Engine Optimization" aka SEO). Genesis is SEO optimized out of the box with its clean code and functional structure. Schema.org code support was also recently added, furthering the SEO benefits of Genesis.
  2. Simple Updates. WordPress hacking is unfortunately all too common. One of the easiest way for hackers to enter your site is through vulnerabilities in old versions of software (whether is WordPress software, the Genesis Framework, or plugins). Genesis makes it super easy to keep your website up to date and secure.
  3. Lightweight. Many theme frameworks are cumbersome and slow down your website. Genesis is designed to be incredibly lightweight and fit in seamlessly with existing WordPress features and functionality.
  4. Security. Genesis is coded to the highest standards of security and is regularly updated with security enhancements to keep your site safe from hackers, malicious attacks, and malware.
  5. Easy to Customize. Genesis offers features to make customizing and editing your site simple and fun. An easy to use Theme Options panel, widget support, and built-in Customizer options allow you to make your site your own.
Is Genesis included with 17th Avenue themes? >