Import Demo Content & Widgets
This tutorial will show you how to import the demo from your theme.
Demo content vs. demo widgets
Demo content is the blog posts, pages (excluding the homepage), and images from the demo. If you have existing content on your site, do NOT import the demo content.
Demo widgets are the homepage, sidebar, and footer widgets from the demo. Importing the demo widgets will set up your homepage for you, allowing you to skip the most lengthy part of theme setup! We HIGHLY recommend importing the demo widgets even if you have existing content (no content will be overwritten; your existing content will fill in the widgets). Importing the demo widgets will make theme setup significantly faster.
How to Import the Demo
1. Before you begin, make sure that all of the recommended plugins for your theme are installed.
2. Go to Appearance > Import Demo Data. Scroll down on the page to this section:
3. Under Choose a XML File for Content Import, click Choose File. Navigate to your theme file and go to the Demo Content folder. Select the demo-content.xml file.
4. Under Choose a WIE or JSON File for WIdget Import, click Choose File. Navigate to your theme file and go to the Demo Content folder. Select the harper-widgets.wie file.
5. Click Import Demo Data. It can take a few minutes for everything to import — don't close the page until the process completes.
It's very common to receive some "failed to import" errors for the images when importing demo content. After importing the demo content, go to Media > Media Library and see if the images successfully imported. If not, visit this article for help.