Harper - Footer Widgets
Footer Overview
Go to WordPress > Appearance > Widgets. The 3-Column Footer is comprised of three widget areas:
You're more than welcome to customize the footer, add/remove widgets, etc. Below we'll go over what widgets are shown on the demo, but you can add just about anything you want! Other ideas would include social icons, about section or disclaimer, categories widget, archives widget, search widget, and lots more!
If you imported your widgets...
If you imported the demo widgets, all of these widgets will already be set up for you. All you'll need to do is fill in your own content!
Footer 1 + 3
Footer 1 and 3 display navigation menus.
- Go to Appearance > Menus and create 2 menus.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag a Navigation Menu into Footer 1. Select a menu, add a title, and then save. Repeat for the other menu in Footer 3.
Footer 2
Footer 2 displays a subscription widget.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag a Genesis eNews Extended widget into Footer 2.
- Configure the widget with your title, text, and mailing list service URL. Save.