Kadence - Install your theme & import the demo

Hey girl! Ready to start installing your theme? For a smooth theme setup experience, please read this article in FULL prior to installing your theme or importing the demo.

Before You Begin

There are a few important steps you'll need to complete before starting the installation process.

1. Update your site to the latest version of WordPress before installing your theme, as well as update any plugins installed on your site. Whenever updating WordPress software, plugins, or themes, be sure that your site has a backup in place.

2. If you are currently using the Classic Editor plugin, please deactivate it prior to installing your theme. Kadence is built for the Block Editor and does not support the Classic Editor.

3. Existing sites only: If you are currently using an automatic RSS-to-Email service or a plugin that publishes your posts on social media automatically, you'll want to pause those temporarily. The theme installation process will import the demo posts on your site. Once your theme is installed, you can delete the demo posts and resume your RSS-to-Email feed.

Optional Plugins

The demo import process will only install plugins that are essential to the function of your 17th Avenue theme. However, there are a couple other plugins shown in the theme demo that are optional. If you'd like the demo content to be set up for these plugins, please install and activate these plugins PRIOR to installing your theme.

How to install a plugin >

How to Install Your Theme & Import the Demo

Note for Existing Sites

The theme installation process for existing sites is the same as new sites. We recommend importing the demo content on all sites, including existing sites. Do not deselect "Import Content" under Advanced Settings during the import process. Importing the demo content will not delete your existing content. After the demo has imported, you can delete the demo blog posts.

If your site is existing and you are transferring from one of our older Genesis themes, please click here for additional instructions.


  • Import time: It's normal for the demo import process to take 5 to 10 minutes to fully complete. Do not exit the page until the import has completed. The import process is slower on lower quality hosts; faster on higher quality hosts. On SiteGround (the host we recommend!), the import should only take a minute or two.
  • Bluehost sites: Bluehost sites disproportionately struggle to import the demo content compared to other hosts. If you receive an error and you are using Bluehost, reach out to Bluehost support with the following message: "Please disable Cloudflare on my website and increase my WordPress memory limit to 512M." Once that is complete, try the import again. This is usually enough to import the demo.
  • If you continue to receive an error message: deactivate all plugins on your site, apart from any plugins that are related to Kadence (i.e. Kadence Starter Templates and Kadence Blocks). Then run the import again.
  • Starter Templates prompt didn't appear? Go to Plugins > Add New and install/activate Kadence Starter Templates. Once activated, go to Kadence > Starter Templates > 17th Avenue to import the demo.
