Kadence - Blog page layouts
Blog page layouts ( example) can be easily added to any page.
- To insert a blog page layout, create a new page or open an existing page in the editor.
- At the top of the editor, click Design Library, then select your theme name.
- On the left, select the Blog Layouts section.
- From there, you can select your preferred blog page layout: Full, Grid, List, etc. Clicking on a layout will insert it into your page.
Add or remove a sidebar on the blog page
If you'd like to add or remove a sidebar alongside your blog page layout, click here for instructions.
The blog page layouts use the Kadence Posts block to create the different layouts and display posts. The free version of the Posts block does not include numbered pagination, but we've included a "More Posts" button at the end of each blog layout block. This button can be linked to your Posts page (the page that stores your posts and has numbered pagination), which is set in your dashboard at Settings > Reading. You could also link it to your second page of posts!
Using Kadence Pro? You're welcome to replace the Posts block with a Post Grid/Carousel block, which includes numbered pagination.
Posts page
When using any of the blog page layouts, it's important to have a separate page set as your Posts page in your Reading settings. As mentioned above, this page can be linked to from your Blog page so pagination can be continued.
To set a Posts page, first go to Pages > Add New and create a new page. We suggest calling it something like "All Posts" or "Articles." Next, go to Settings > Reading and set that page as your Posts page. This Posts page will inherit the Archive Layout you have set in the Customizer, which in our theme demos is a 3 column grid.
To control the appearance of the Archive pages (which includes both the Posts page and the Category pages), go to Appearance > Customize > Posts/Pages Layout > Archive Layout.
Custom blog page
Your theme may also come with a custom blog page template (example).
The custom blog page includes additional sections beyond the standard blog page layouts. In most themes, the custom blog page has an area that contains one of the blog page layouts mentioned above (Full, Grid, List). This can be changed. For example, if the custom blog page contains the Grid layout but you'd like to use the List layout instead, you can delete the Grid layout section and add the List layout section via the Design Library/Block Collection.