Premium Installation Form Guide & FAQ

If you're new to WordPress, you may not be familiar with some of the terms related to installing your theme. Below we'll go over every section of our Premium Installation Form so you can learn what the terms are and make informed decisions about how your site will be set up! FAQ's can be found at the bottom of this guide.

Tip! This article is very detailed. Instead of reading it all, just scroll to the section(s) that you don't understand or need clarification on. Everything is listed in order of what's shown on the Premium Installation Form.

1. Order Details

This section is fairly self-explanatory. We need your name, contact email, and order number. You'll also be asked to select which theme you purchased. It's important to select your theme name before filling out later sections (theme-specific fields appear later on the form).

2. WordPress & Host Logins

WordPress Blog/Website URL – This is the link to your website, aka your domain. Example:

WordPress Username and Password – This is the information that you use to log into your WordPress dashboard. The WordPress dashboard is located at your domain + wp-admin. Example: If you don't know your WordPress Username and Password, contact your hosting company for assistance and they'll be able to help you locate that information.

It's really important that we receive the correct login information for your WordPress dashboard. We frequently receive incorrect login information, and it can significantly delay the installation process. A great way to "double check" that your information is correct is to log out of your WordPress dashboard and then log back in to be sure you have the correct username/password!

Note for Bluehost users: Bluehost now requires two-factor authentication for all logins. Since this can significantly delay the installation process (we have to schedule a time with you to retrieve the code), pleasemake sure to provide your correct, verified WordPress dashboard login information in this section.

If you do not know your WordPress dashboard login information, you can click "Lost Password" at the bottom of the login page, contact Bluehost for assistance in locating your information, or you can create a new user for us.

Who hosts your site? – This is the company that hosts your website. We provide a list of the most common hosts that you can choose from. If you are using a host that's not listed, select "Other."

Host Username and Password – This is the login information for the company that hosts your website. For example, if your web host is SiteGround, then you would provide your SiteGround username and password in this section.

3. Header

"Header" refers to the top section of your site where the site title, tagline, and/or logo display.

Site Title – This is the title that displays at the top of your website on every page (in the example below: "Amelia James"). The site title also displays in Google Search Results and in the browser tab.

Optional Site Tagline – A tagline is an area where you can describe your website in a few words (in the example below: "A Classic WordPress Theme"). The tagline displays underneath the site title. All of our themes have room for a tagline, with the exception of the Audrey, Clover, and Vivienne themes.

Prefer to use your own logo? – If you have a logo image that you would like to upload in place of the site title and tagline, upload it in this section!

Your logo image should be at least 800px wide. Larger is even better. Your logo will be professionally resized to fit and look great in your theme. On occasion we may also change the logo dimensions in your theme to better suit your logo shape/size.

4. Theme Setup

Do you want a "Coming Soon" page set up on your site? – A coming soon page is a landing page that will prevent visitors who are not logged in from viewing your site. Instead of seeing the theme, visitors will see a page with a message that says something like "Site Title is Coming Soon." The purpose of a coming soon page is to allow you to view your site and make any necessary changes before you launch your site to the world. Once you're ready to launch your site, you can easily disable the coming soon page following our instructions.

Is your site new or existing? – When you purchased theme installation, you will have chosen between "New Site Installation" or "Existing Site Installation." Please mark the same here. For new sites, demo content will be imported and can be easily removed later following this tutorial.

List the titles for your 3 homepage buttons – Most of our themes display three buttons/boxes on the homepage that can link to different pages or categories on your website. In this section, provide the titles that you would like to use for each button. For example, if you wanted to have the same titles as shown in the image below, you would say "Style, Travel, Living" in this section.

List the widgets you would like in your sidebar – A sidebar is the narrow column that displays on the side of some pages on your website.

A widget refers to each individual "section" that is contained inside the sidebar. If you click here, you can view a page that has a sidebar. The widgets that are used in the sidebar on that page are: 1) About Me Section, 2) Social Icons, 3) Categories, 4) Subscription widget, 5) Search, 6) Advertisement area.

If you want your sidebar set up as shown in the demo, leave this section blank.

Please note that we cannot set up third-party widgets in your sidebar – only standard widgets that come with WordPress. You can view the standard WordPress widgets in your WordPress dashboard at Appearance > Widgets. An example of a "third party" widget that we cannot set up would be a Pinterest feed or a shopping widget.

5. Navigation Menus

A navigation menu allows your site visitors to easily navigate and access different pages/content you have on your website. You'll be able to add pages, categories, posts, custom links, and other content types to your navigation menu, as well as customize where in your theme you want your menu(s) to display.

Main (Primary) Navigation Menu – This is the navigation menu that displays most prominently on your site.

Secondary Navigation Menu – This is the navigation menu that displays in a less-prominent location on your site. This will vary from theme to theme, but is typically the menu at the top of your website, or an offscreen menu.

Footer Navigation Menu(s) – The footer and footer menus will vary widely between themes. We recommend visiting the theme demo for your theme, and scrolling all the way to the bottom. Most themes have at least one footer menu, either inside a 3-column footer or the bottom footer bar. If you'd like your footer menu(s) set up with different links than shown in the demo, provide your desired links in this field on the form.

Note: Footer widget/menu setups are not interchangeable between themes. The examples below are only available for each individual theme. For example, the Clover footer could not be added to the Amelia theme (without customizing the theme). Each theme has its own unique footer design!

Navigation Menu FAQs

What's a drop-down menu? – A drop-down menu is a submenu that appears below a parent menu item when hovered over. Implementing drop-down menus simplifies your navigation menu and makes it easier for your website visitors to locate the information they are looking for.

What is a blog category? – Click here for a detailed explanation.

Can you show me an example of how I can send you my links for the navigation menu?

Yes! Here's a PERFECT example of what we're looking for:

- Fashion (category)
- Lifestyle (category)
- Travel (category)
- Products
- Cart
- My Account
Contact Me

In this example, the drop-down menus are denoted with a dash (-) underneath the page they should display under. The categories are denoted with "(category)."

If your format looks different, don't fret. We receive navigation menus in all sorts of formats and can usually decipher just fine. Try your best!

How many links can I have in my navigation menu?

This will vary a bit from theme to theme, but between 4 and 7 links usually fits best horizontally. This doesn't include drop-down menus, which are vertical and can accommodate more links.

Tip: There are usually fewer links in the Secondary Navigation Menu compared to the Primary Navigation Menu.

For themes with a split navigation menu (Clover and Magnolia) — where two smaller menus display on either side of the site title — make sure you provide an EVEN number of links so that an even number can display on each side of your site title or logo. 6 links typically looks best with split navigation.

Why is there a "50 link limit"?

So you don't send us 300 links for your navigation menu 😉  (yes, this has happened!). A large number of navigation links can affect your site speed and be confusing for your website users. Please keep your total number of links — including parent links and drop-down menus — under 50. This is more than enough for most sites, but if you need more, you can always add them on your own later.

6. "About Me" Section

The "About Me" section will vary widely from theme to theme. Some themes only display an "About Me" section in the sidebar, while some have a more prominent section on the front page. In any case, we just need the photo and text you would like to use.

Please note that this is not for your About page. This is for the sidebar and/or homepage About Me section.

7. Social Media Icons

Social media icons are small icons that link to common social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest). In this section, please provide the direct link to each of the profiles you want to include on your site. Make sure that you include the http:// portion of the link. The best way to do this is to visit your social profile, copy the URL from the address bar, and then paste it into the corresponding box on the installation form.


Images not uploading on your form? This can be caused by images that are the wrong format or are too large. If you can't get your images to upload on the form, no worries. You can leave your images off the form and email your images directly to

Frequently Asked Questions

What does "no revisions" mean?

At the end of the installation form, you'll be asked to confirm your login details are correct, turnaround time, etc. There is a third checkbox regarding revisions, and a question we sometimes get is what exactly "no revisions" means.

No revisions does NOT mean that you can't make revisions on your own. You certainly can! "No revisions" means that whatever information you list on your form is what will be installed/setup on your website during theme installation. For example, if you decide later on to change your navigation links or add more social icons, you can absolutely do that on your own — but making those changes for you is not included with our installation service.

What happens after I submit my installation form?

Once you submit your installation form, your installation will be marked as "Ready" in our system. Turnaround time is 5 to 10 business days from the date we receive your form. We usually can't provide an exact date for your installation. If you have an existing website and need to plan ahead as far as when your installation will take place, shoot us an email and we can chat!

What if I made a mistake or need to change something on my installation form?

(The answer below assumes that your installation has NOT been started on your site yet).

If it's something small, i.e. a new password, you can send an email to orders(at)

If you need to make several changes to your form, please submit a new form. Whichever form is the newest is the one we'll use for your installation.

What happens after my installation is complete?

When your theme installation is complete, you'll receive an email from Kate letting you know your installation is finished. You'll also receive a link to a "Post-Installation Guide" specifically for your theme, which will go over common questions you may have following installation.

Can you teach me how to use WordPress?

There's a good chance you're new to WordPress if you're on this page. We've got you, girl! Hop over to our brand new WordPress Video Tutorial Library where you can learn ALL THE THINGS about WordPress. 🤓

Other questions about the installation form?

Reach out to us here! Select "I have a question about an existing order" so your email lands in the right inbox.