Charlotte - Blog Homepage Setup

This tutorial will only apply if you are using the BLOG version of the Charlotte theme. For the WEBSITE homepage setup instructions, click here.

Before You Begin

You'll need to configure your Reading settings before you start setting up your homepage.

  1. Go to Wordpress > Settings > Reading.
  2. Under Your Homepage Displays, select "a static page."
  3. For the Homepage, select the Home page. (If you don't have a Home page, go to WordPress > Pages > Add New and create a blank page titled Home)
  4. For the Posts page, select the Blog page. (If you don't have a Blog page, go to WordPress > Pages > Add New and create a blank page titled Blog)
  5. Save changes.

Homepage Overview

The  Charlotte homepage has seven widget areas:

  • Front Page 1: One featured blog post
  • Front Page 2: "Get on the List" subscription widget
  • Front Page 3: One featured blog post
  • Front Page 4: "Shop My Favorites" widget
  • Front Page 5: One featured blog post
  • Front Page 6:  "Explore the Blog" widget
  • Front Page 7: One featured blog post

Below we'll go over what is inside each of these widget areas. We HIGHLY recommend that you import your widgets, since you'll be able to skip the majority of the homepage setup and just fill in your own details where needed.

Front Page 1

One featured blog post in this section:

If you did not import the demo widgets, here is the shortcode used in the Post Info field:  [post_categories before=""] · [post_date]

Front Page 2

Click here for setup instructions of the Genesis eNews Extended subscription widget.

Front Page 3

One featured blog post in this section:

Front Page 4

Click here for setup instructions for the product widget.

Front Page 5

One featured blog post in this section:

Front Page 6

Create a navigation menu at Appearance > Menus. We recommend that it contain between 3 and 6 of your blog categories for optimal display. Select the menu in the Navigation Menu widget in the Front Page 4 widget area. 

Front Page 7

One featured blog post in this section, and a "load more posts" button.

Replace the link following  href=" with the link to your blog. You can either link to your main blog page, or the second page of your blog to mimic a "continuation" of posts. Feel free to change the Load More Posts text to something else.

If you'd like to copy/paste this:

<a class="older" href="YOUR PAGE LINK HERE">
	Load More Posts <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>