Vivienne - Sidebar

To manage your sidebars, navigate to Appearance > Widgets. The Vivienne theme includes two sidebars:

  • Sidebar 1 – The primary sidebar on yourz site that displays on the blog and post pages
  • Sidebar 2 – Used for the WooCommerce sidebar (if using WooCommerce)

Using Block Widgets

To edit a block widget, click on the widget. Depending on the widget type, you'll either modify the settings directly inside the widget area, or you may see block settings appear on the right side of your screen. Learn more about block widgets.

Keep in mind that the sidebar is fully customizable — you are welcome to add, remove, or rearrange block widgets to suit your needs!

Sidebar 1

You can view this sidebar in the demo here. If you imported the demo content, all the sidebar widgets should be present in Sidebar 1 already. Just customize with your own content!

About Me Widget

  1. This section uses a custom widget, 17th Avenue - About Me Widget.
  2. In the Title field, give your widget a title (optional).
  3. Follow the instructions here to add your Image URL.
  4. Under Image Style, you can choose for your image to display as a circle or as a square.
  5. Add your accent text (will display as italic text on the front end), about me text, button text, and button URL — all optional. You can use as many or as few of the fields as you'd like.

Social Media Icons

See Sidebar Social Icons.

Get on the List Widget

This widget uses Genesis eNews Extended, which can integrate with most major mailing list providers. Click here for instructions on configuring this widget. You're also welcome to replace this widget with an embedded form from your mailing list provider.

"Where I Shop" menu

This is a Navigation Menu widget, and it can contain any links you'd like. If you imported the demo content, you can edit the Where I Shop menu at Appearance > Menus > Where I Shop. Or, create a new menu and select your new menu in the Navigation Menu widget.

Prefer to display a Categories widget instead? Go for it! The WordPress Categories widget will display the same as the Navigation Menu widget. Or you can set up a menu that contains your categories for full control over which categories display.


This is a default WordPress widget that you can add to your sidebar.

Sidebar 2 (WooCommerce Sidebar)

You can view this sidebar in the demo here. If you installed WooCommerce prior to importing the demo, all the sidebar widgets will be present in Sidebar 2 already. Just customize with your own content!

Sidebar 2 contains the following widgets:

  • WooCommerce Product Categories List
  • WooCommerce Filter By Price Controls
  • WooCommerce Product Search

Adding a sidebar to a page

Most common – To change the layout of an entire page, click here for instructions.

Advanced – To add a sidebar to a portion of a full-width page (for example, as shown on Home Option 1), the sidebar can be inserted into any page using a shortcode.

  1. Create a new page and add a Row Layout block. You'll be prompted to select a column layout. We suggest selecting either Left Heavy or Right Heavy, since a sidebar is usually smaller than the content area.
  2. In the smaller column, add a Shortcode block. Inside the Shortcode block, add: [vivienne_block_sidebar]
  3. In the larger column, add your desired content.

The shortcode sidebar will not display inside the editor, but it will display on the front end after saving the page. The [vivienne_block_sidebar] shortcode pulls the sidebar from  Sidebar 1, so you can edit the sidebar at Appearance > Widgets > Sidebar 1.