Clover [Genesis] - Sidebar

If you imported the demo, all the sidebar widgets will be automatically set up for you.

To add sidebar widgets to your site, go to Appearance > Widgets. Drag widgets from the left into the Primary Sidebar area to place them in your sidebar.

Sidebar Widgets used in the Clover Demo

You can view the sidebar in the demo here.

Note: If you see any widgets in your Primary Sidebar titled "Block" — remove those widgets. These are default WordPress block widgets, and will not appear correctly when using the Classic Widgets page (shown in the image above).

About Me Widget

  1. Add a 17th Ave - About Me Widget to the Primary Sidebar widget area. You can give your widget a title (optional).
  2. Follow the instructions here to add your Image URL to the widget.
  3. Under Image Style, you can choose for your image to display as a circle or as a square. Add your accent text (will display as script text on the front end), about me text, button text, and button URL — all optional. You can use as many or as few of the fields as you'd like.

Social Media Icons

  1. Add a 17th Ave - Social Icons Widget to the Primary Sidebar widget area. You can give your widget a title (optional).
  2. To enable a particular icon, add your social profile link to the icon field. You can use as many icons as you'd like.
  3. Under Icon Style, there are a few style options you can choose from. The style shown in the Clover sidebar is Filled Circle Icons.

Join the List Widget

Click here for instructions.

Featured Posts

Add a  17th Ave - Featured Posts Widget to the Primary Sidebar widget area, and configure settings as shown above.


For the Categories section, you have two options:

  • Use the Categories WordPress widget, which will display a list of all categories in use on your website.
  • Create a custom navigation menu and use a Navigation Menu widget, which will allow you to select specific categories to display.

Both options will display the same on the front end.


Add a Categories widget to the Primary Sidebar widget area.


  1. Go to Appearance > Menus > Create a new menu.
  2. Add your desired categories to the menu, and then save.
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets.
  4. Add a Navigation Menu widget to the Primary Sidebar widget area.
  5. Select the menu you created and save.


This is a default WordPress widget — add a Search widget to the Primary Sidebar widget area.


This is a default WordPress widget — add an Archives widget to the Primary Sidebar widget area. Check the box that says "Display as dropdown."


Click here for more information.