Translating your theme

Would you like to translate your 17th Avenue theme to a different language? It's simple!

How to translate your website

Most of the text in your theme can be easily changed from right inside your dashboard. Below, we'll show you how to access each area and change the text from English to your desired language.

The WordPress dashboard

To change the WordPress dashboard to a different language, go to Settings > General. Under Site Language, select your desired language.

Homepage widgets

Go to Appearance > Widgets. The widget areas used on the homepage are called "Front Page 1", "Front Page 2", and so on (up to 10 areas, depending on your theme). Open each widget you'd like to translate, and replace the existing text with your translated text.

Other widgets in your theme

Depending on your theme, you may have additional widget areas that you might want to translate. You can open each widget area on your Widgets page and replace any English text with your translated text.


Go to Pages > All Pages. Open each page you'd like to translate, and replace the existing text with your translated text.

Posts and Categories

Go to Posts > All Posts. Open each post you'd like to translate, and replace the existing text with your translated text.

For categories, go to Posts > Categories. Click "Edit" on each category you'd like to change. Here are instructions for setting a category title and description.


Changing your page titles and category titles to your translated language will usually update the links in your navigation menu too. If not, go to Appearance > Menus to manually translate your links.

Read More Button

Here are instructions for translating the "Read More" or "Read the Post" button in your theme.

Related posts "You'll Also Love" title

If your theme has a related posts section, click here for instructions on translating the "You'll Also Love" title.

Translating other areas of your theme

If you would like to translate other areas in your theme that are not accessible inside the dashboard — for example, the comment section or 404 page — it's best to use a plugin. We've tested several translation plugins and like Weglot Translate the best. Other translation plugins may work as well. The only plugin we do not recommend for our themes is WPML, since it changes the formatting of the flexible widgets.